

The prices displayed on our website include only the service fees; for the prices of specific models and products, please request a quotation by placing the product into the basket on the product page. We offer a variety of discount plans to our contracted and permanent partners.

Sublimation measured in rolls

The minimum sublimation quantity is 10 running metres.
  • 10-50 fm 7,15 Euro / fm
  • 51-100 fm 6,15 Euro / fm
  • 101-150 fm 5,65 Euro / fm
  • 151-200 fm 5,35 Euro / fm
  • 201-400 fm 4,95 Euro / fm
  • 400< fm 4,70 Euro / fm
  • 30 x 30 cm-es mintázás 6 Euro / db
  • 10-50 fm 6,55 Euro / fm
  • 51-100 fm 5,55 Euro / fm
  • 101-150 fm 5,05 Euro / fm
  • 151-200 fm 4,75 Euro / fm
  • 201-400 fm 4,35 Euro / fm
  • 400< fm 4,10 Euro / fm

Laser tailoring

The price of our tailoring service is calculated based on standard minutes; the minimum tailoring time is 30 minutes. The exact tailoring price is calculated on the basis of the textile and pattern in question.

Sewing shop

The price of our sewing shop service is calculated based on standard minutes; therefore, our sewing shop can only provide a quotation after the pattern and the sewing time have been determined.


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